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卡森-纽曼在西点空军突击学校拍摄的萨米·辛普森(左)和卡森·汤姆林. 这两人是今年夏天参加训练的几名鹰营学员之一.


电话的另一端是另一所大学的干部,他对来自全球最大的博彩平台鹰营的陆军后备军官训练队(ROTC)学员如何代表学校参加夏季训练表示赞赏. In was one of several similar calls she received.

“(他们评论说)我们的学员如何因为他们鼓励的态度而在同龄人中脱颖而出, great teamwork, and overall resiliency,” said Young, who along with leading the Eagle Battalion, serves as chair and professor of military science at C-N.

这些电话来自夏季培训,作为“基础营”的一部分,学员们在全球各地进行培训, Advanced Camp, Cadet Field Training and Air Assault School. From West Point to Fort Benning, to Fort Knox, and training in Germany, 卡森-纽曼学院的学员表现出色——这是结尾性评估所反映的.

“我们的优秀和卓越评价从去年的54%上升到今年的87%,” explained Young. 这一努力使卡森-纽曼在他们旅的38所学校中排名前十,超过了美国陆军学员司令部和旅的平均评估水平. 参加空中突击学校的5名学员达到了100%的通过率, a rarity for an ROTC program according to Young.

她说:“学员们的进步和学习的意愿让我深受鼓舞。 Young, a 2007 C-N alumna and Dandridge native. “取得优异的成绩是他们努力工作的证明,也反映了他们得到的大力支持和指导. 我最自豪的是他们的性格、在挑战时期的领导能力和谦逊.”

Sammi Simpson, a sociology/criminology major from Knoxville, attended Air Assault School at West Point, as well as Advanced Camp. 这种组合让人望而生畏,但她说她已经准备好了.

“It was a lot, 但是我们的干部在我们每一个学员身上都投入了很多,能够让我为训练做好准备,” Simpson said. “我参加了所有提供给我的额外训练,无论是身体上还是学业上, 我相信这些项目真的帮助我成功了. On top of that, 在我外出培训的两个月里,我们的干部不断向我提出建议, support and most of all encouragement.”

毕竟,得到这样的支持并不令人意外, 辛普森在加入鹰营之前做过功课. 在获得密西西比州立社区学院的副学士学位后, 她说,她开始寻找在不招致学生贷款的情况下继续学业的方法.

“I had always wanted to serve my country, 所以当我听说卡森·纽曼的后备军官训练队项目时,我正打算入伍,然后完成学业. I heard how, because of the size of the program, the cadre is able to invest into each cadet, and that was a huge influence in my coming here.”

辛普森的故事证明了后备军官训练队的项目正朝着未来前进. 今年,卡森-纽曼有21名新学员,获得ROTC奖学金的人数创历史新高. 今年有49名学员,而去年只有36名——尽管有些学员因为毕业而流失. 这一数字反映了过去八年来的最高涨幅.


“Even after I graduate Carson-Newman next spring, the Eagle Battalion will always be very special to me,” she said. “我在军营里留下了美好的回忆、良师益友. To me, 成为鹰营的一名学员就像成为一个关心和照顾你的大家庭的一员, and you for them.”

Cadets who took part in summer training:

Madison Bales – Basic Camp

Madison Bean (LMU cadet) – Advanced Camp

Christian Cox (LMU cadet) – Basic Camp

Zyra Dew – Advanced Camp

Gabrielle Mathis – Advanced Camp

Kyle Nabe – Cadet Leadership Training, Advanced Camp

Hannah Ogstad – Advanced Camp

Samuell Orion – Cadet Field Training

Hannah Rhodes – Advanced Camp

Jacob Schumacher – Air Assault

Justin Schumacher – Air Assault

Grant Shrader – Cadet OPFOR Experience, Air Assault

Zachary Sexton – Cadet Leadership Training, Advanced Camp

Sammi Simpson – Air Assault, Advanced Camp

Zachary Taylor – Cadet Field Training

Carson Tomlin – Air Assault

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